BALM BEACH, GEORGIAN BAY!!! · Jun 7, 03:52 pm
Welcome to BEAUTIFUL Balm Beach!
What a beautiful place we live! Truly inspirational for us artists!
Without a doubt, a few of these photos will become amazing Sculpted Paintings.
What a tremendous day … the air was just cool enough to comfortably cuddle, but warm enough to feel summer coming soon …
After a productive week of painting and sculpting, Stu and I decided to take a short Sunday drive to walk the beach for some of that fresh calming air that all beach breezes provide.
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
Stu at THE SURF, Balm Beach, June 2011 ... nice hat!
Balm Beach, facing south.
Stu strolling down the beach - you would think it was a cold May day with all the clothes he has on - but the wind was kind of brisk for June.
Ah the lazy days of nearing summer! Stu taking a break at Balm Beach. Lucky to live here! Happy to be alive!
Pretty little plant, Balm Beach
Balm Beach, Georgian Bay
Boulders of Balm Beach, facing South.
Love this shot - like stepping stones to the water ... such varying geology! Pink Granite to Black Quartz ...
Another amazing erratic of Balm Beach! Beautiful Pink Striation running through the black rock!
Erratics of Balm Beach 1
Erratic of Balm Beach 2
Erratic of Balm Beach 3 - again, a delicate white vein appearing to be inked in to the black rock.
Another shot of Stu - yep, nearly a half an hour later, and while I was walking and taking photos, he was still enjoying his siesta! A much needed break after a long run of creating this week.
Stu laying on the 'resting rock', Balm Beach, June 2011
Dapper Dan - i mean Stu - finally awoken from the 'Resting Rock' and ready to rock and stroll down Balm Beach. Looking Good!
THE resting rock, Balm Beach.
I know - it's such a typical photo - but I couldn't help myself as it was completely unintentional and I have never seen such perfect footprints! Yes, that's Stu.
Fences of Balm Beach (the nice kind)! Looks so much like what I envision PEI to be.
— Carol Currie
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