Sculpted Painting Delivered! · Nov 8, 10:46 pm
So here it is November 4th, and our clients picked up their Sculpted piece!
We call it “Falling Rocks”. It was inspired while trekking in Killarney Provincial Park, to the West of the Crack.
It is a beaut of a piece, sitting at 26” x 34”, with gorgeous curved edgework and words can’t describe the right side of the sculpture … Stu outdid himself!
I added a mountainous background to bring attention to the foreground rocks .. they have subtle tones of browns and greens to complement the strong blue sculpted sky.
I am attaching photos taken with different lighting effects to show just how the pieces changes and comes alive in varying light.
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
Falling Rocks
Sculpted Painting
Closeup of the background mountains and sculpting -
Falling Rocks
Sculpted Painting in Wild Lighting -
Falling Rocks
Sculpted Painting
26 x 34
Falling Rocks
Sculpted Painting
Neat Lighting -
Falling Rocks Installed
Sculpted Painting
Private Commission
2010 -
Falling Rocks Installed
Sculpted Painting
Private Commission
2010 -
Falling Rocks Installed
Sculpted Painting
Private Commission
— Carol Currie
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