Relief Carving of Killarney, Georgian Bay - SANDING and COATING and CUTTING our most recent sculpted painting · Mar 28, 08:56 pm
Stu is working on our latest Sculpted Painting commission of Killarney Georgian Bay. At this stage, Stu has completed the carving and as shown, has to sand every crevice of the wood surface to get ready to start coating the piece to seal the wood.
Stu continues to work on the piece as a single panel until the piece has been fully coated (front and back).
This piece will be a triptych installed at 34 × 46.
To view the whole wood process from start to finish, visit this link from our Claustro site Claustro Studio Process
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
After completing the carving, Stu spends hours and hours of fine sanding the work using several tools and techniques. Here, Stu is using one of his larger sanders.
The sky on this piece however requires patience and skill in fine sanding with a much smaller tool. It's crazy hard!
Closeup of how Stu uses this smaller sanding tool carefully in each crevice.
Stu applying the final coating before priming and cutting to size.
Stu brushing on epoxy left to right to seal the surface of the wood.
Stu pooring and brushing the epoxy onto the wood surface ensuring the epoxy is soaked into every crevice.
Closeup of Stu applying the second coat of marine quality epoxy to seal the wood surface.
Getting ready to cut the panel into a triptych.
Laying the lines to make the rough cuts to size.
The panel is flipped on its back and clamped to the table to allow an accurate straight cut with the handsaw. HERE WE GO!
No turning back now! Stu is making his second cut.
And that's a *thumb's up*! The single panel is now a rough sized triptych.
Stu suiting up to use the heavy handtools. He's very safety oriented. yah think?
Once the template is placed on the panel, Stu uses a handsaw to make a closer cut before using the router.
Stu using the router to get the accurate cut alongside the template.
Closeup of the wood panel on the bottom and the template clamped on top ... the router created the perfect final cut.
Carol measuring the spacing between panels to ensure accuracy of composition.
And there it is ... the final triptych. Now Stu will coat the freshly cut edges and put the final coatings on the piece before it goes to Carol's studio.
— Carol Currie
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