Circle of Honour Philanthropist Awards Dinner, Huronia Community Foundation, Midland ON, 2011 · Jun 6, 06:13 pm
A few months ago we were approached by the Huronia Community Foundation to make a donation for the Circle of Honour Philanthropist Awards Dinner which took place this past Saturday June 4th, 2011.
At that time, we chose to donate a small painting and gift certificate towards an original painting, each valued at $450.00 for their silent auction.
We were also asked to consider dressing the hall with a few of our paintings.
It was a great evening, with well over 180 people in attendance, including Gord MacKay, Midland Mayor, Gerry Marshall, Penetanguishene Mayor, Garfield Dunlop, MPP, and Bruce Stanton, MP … along with the many contributors, sponsors and volunteer committee members that made this evening possible.
The Hall looked fantastic with the addition of the art, which brought attention to their Silent Auction tables, which raised money for the Foundation.
Congratulations to all the award winners!
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
Display of paintings by Claustro just as guests were arriving at the Circle of Honour Philanthropists Awards, 2011
Stu speaking with guests in front of the Silent Auction. Backdrop is Painting by Carol Currie, displayed by CLAUSTRO.
Stu chatting it up with the crowd at the Circle of Honour Award Dinner, Midland ON
Circle of Honour Philanthropist Awards dinner, 2011. Art displayed courtesy of CLAUSTRO.
Viewing of the Sculpted Piece CLAUSTRO displayed at the Circle of Honour Awards Dinner, Midland, 2011
— Carol Currie
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