Sculpted Painting Installation a huge success! OUR TALLEST and HEAVIEST! · Jul 15, 05:26 pm
This installation was no easy task … but a breeze for Stu the magician! Seriously, I could not have considered even transporting this piece to our client’s home, let alone hanging it on their wall.
Why? This sculpted painting was our tallest at 107 inches, that’s pretty much 9 feet tall. PLUS, the piece weighed in at an even 80 pounds .. not so easy to maneuvre to say the least.
How does one hang an 80 pound sculpted painting to ensure it doesn’t fall ??? Aside from a very good bracketing system secured to the back of the painting, the wall should be prepared properly as well … nope … I couldn’t contemplate it. (I just make things look pretty – haha)
But Stu did a tremendous job !!!!!!!! From creating a crate for our 8 foot truck to transport the piece safely … to engineering oak braces secured to the back of the painting … to installing the mirrored oak brackets on the client’s wall.
I think it took nearly an hour just to unload all the tools and ladders (and sculpted painting of course) from the truck before even starting the math to install the oak hanging brackets onto the wall.
Stu carefully measured and calculated to install the 5 oak braces on the client’s wall … he found drywall, lathe and plaster, and wood beams throughout the process, and nearly 6 hours later, came the REAL TEST.
… the test AND task of lifting the 80 pound sculpted painting onto the installed bracing. Would it fit? Would they hold? MAJOR DRUM ROLL!
And I couldn’t believe it (well yes I can, because Stu is that awesome!) … the piece fit PERFECTLY and held firmly as if this piece had been there for years!
Champagne was opened to celebrate this glorious occasion!
Cheers to the clients and to Stu! (and Cheers to me too!)
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
Tall Sculpted Piece
Back bracing for purposes of installation.To show its height, check out Stu holding this 80 pound sculpted painting, while I take photos.
Stu preparing to install our tallest at 107 inches, and heaviest at 80 pounds sculpted painting.
Stu anchoring the first of three oak braces. Note the sculpted painting on the left of the photo (profile).
Stu preparing to install the sculpted painting.
Sneak Peak of Stu installing wall anchors from the back of the sculpted painting.
Cool shot of the profile of the painting while standing on the ground ... I can imagine a piece like this as a room divider.
Tree Carving Closeup Primed
Tree Carving Closeup Before painting
Closeup of Carved Tree Painted of sculpted painting entitled, Balancing Boulder, July 2011.
If you look careefully, you will see 'double shadows' within the sculpted painting ... one real shadow from the carving, and the other a painted shadow
Hallway taken from Entranceway, BEFORE installation of the sculpted painting.
Hallway taken from entrance AFTER sculpted painting was installed.
Hallway as viewed from the top of the stairs, BEFORE installation.
Hallway as viewed from the top of the stairs, AFTER installation of the sculpted painting.
Installation of Sculpted Painting entitled Balancing Boulder, Toronto, July 2011, 26 x 107.
Installation of Sculpted Painting entitled Balancing Boulder, as viewed from mid-staircase.
Balancing Boulder
Sculpted Painting
26 x 107
Private commission, July 2011Artists, Stu and Carol, in front of the installed Sculpted Painting entitled "Balancing Boulder", 2011
Balancing Boulder
Sculpted Painting
Installation July 2011
— Carol Currie
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