Sculpted Painting - Frazer Bay, Georgian Bay · Sept 27, 06:44 pm
Another completed sculpted painting!!
One of our first large 44” x 60” Sculpted Paintings of Georgian Bay. With the sculpting of the water, and addition of depth with paint, the water appears as if it is actually moving.
A very impressive piece that is now being displayed in our Gallery. Contact us for viewing or come to our scheduled open studio Thanksgiving Weekend!
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
Frazer Bay
Sculpted Painting 069
44 x 60 Private Commission 2011Frazer Bay
Sculpted Painting
44 x 60 Private Commission, 2011
angle viewFrazer Bay, closeup of rocks
Sculpted Painting 069
44 x 60 Private commission 2011
Frazer Bay, closeup of water
Sculpted Painting 069
44 x 60 Private Commission 2011Frazer Bay
Sculpted Painting 069
44 x 60 Angle View Low LightFrazer Bay
Sculpted Painting 069
44 x 60 Private Commission, 2011
— Carol Currie
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