CLAUSTRO Art Installation at the Midland Cultural Centre for the Philanthropy Awards Dinner · Jun 4, 03:12 pm
After over 4 days of careful planning and packing bags of rigging gear, and after well over 8 hours of execution, Stu beautifully installed two 4 feet x 6 feet sculpted paintings 30 feet above the floor at the new Event Centre of the Midland Cultural Centre. This display of art is the first official public viewing of art installation at the NEW Midland Cultural Centre. The dinner was for the Huronia Communities Foundation for their annual Philanthropy Awards with over 150 people in attendance. Our donation was this fine one-of-a-kind art installation to dress the hall … and what a fine display it was! First, we must thank our clients who so generously loaned us their sculpted paintings for this event!
Not many people could take such care to literally hang these fine works of art suspended 30 feet from the floor, without any worry of collapse … but Super Stu. With Stu’s expertise rigging background (having achieved 9 Guiness World Records in Rappelling – several being from the CN Tower) … this was an accomplishable task for him. Absolutely TREMENDOUS job Stu!! Wow! Absolutely amazing to see these 100 pound sculptures suspended and to appear as light as air!
Thanks to Wade Taylor for his assistance to Stu, and the many workers at the MCC for their help … and to Elinor Kirby and the Huronia Communities Foundation Committee, to Kim Masin & Peggy Breckenridge of the Midland Cultural Centre, and a special thank you to Mr. Weber, for approving Stu’s vision in the suspension of the art.
The evening was beautiful – the Midland Cultural Centre, the Banquet Hall, the Art, and the Dinner was all fantastic!
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
Installation at MCC.
Closeup at Stu's rigging of the sculpted painting at MCC.
CLAUSTRO Sculpted Painting installation two days before opening at MCC.
Banquet Hall with CLAUSTRO Art installation at MCC.
Suspended 30 feet above the tables.
Just prior to people arriving.
Stu Leggett with owners of the sculpted painting hanging behind. Celebration at MCC.
Philanthropy Awards commence at MCC.
The art is a beautiful backdrop for the Awards dinner.
Having fun with our dinner guests!
Beautiful evening at the first event held at our new MCC in Midland.
With over 150 people in attendance, the evening was wonderful.
MC of the Philanthropy awards, Jacques Brunet, did a fantastic job!
Look carefully at the back of the painting on the right - you can see through the piece.
A view from the balcony.
Another perspective from the balcony.
— Carol Currie
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Congratulations. Is this on FB I would love to share it.
— Jeanette · Jun 4, 04:26 pm · #
Yes Jeanette this link is now on FB!
— carol currie · Jun 4, 04:57 pm · #
Carol and Stu,
Thai is unbelievable….what a feat, what an effect, what a vision and outcome….you 2 never cease to amaze me & us with your incredible diverse talents. I hope these remain for awhile so I get to experience them…..awesome and congrats….Sheila & Dick
— Sheila Cutler · Jun 4, 05:12 pm · #
Thanks so much Sheila and Dick – you are both such great supporters! And yes, they will remain installed until the end of next weekend so they will be there for the opening ceremonies, then they must be returned to their generous owners.
— carol currie · Jun 4, 05:18 pm · #