Art Exhibition with Jill Price and Musical Performance by Kelly Davies · Jun 18, 05:05 pm
From London Ontario, Artist Jill Price recently moved her studio to Barrie, which ultimately brought her here to exhibit her Mixed Media works at CLAUSTRO Studios & Gallery this weekend. Jill worked prolifically since March 2012 to create this magnificent body of work! Read about Jill’s intent on this work at her website
On Saturday afternoon, backdropped by Jill’s tactile mixed media works, we held a music performance with Kelly Davies. Kelly recently moved to Midland Ontario from Barrie and plays over 250 shows a year with his band Dirty Little Swing Things. What a great addition to our community! Kelly had a standing ovation to end his performance here! TREMENDOUS Musician!
Sunday afternoon, Jill provided an in-depth discussion about her journey as an artist throughout her education and career. She discussed very clearly her intention in the body of work entitled, Process-ed, that she exhibited at CLAUSTRO. Jill then provided a hands on demonstration to 6 participants (myself included) and to several viewers, showing everyone how she manipulates and considers different medias to create an intuitive yet intentional piece of art. Very inspirational!
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
Artist Jill Price with her works at CLAUSTRO just before opening reception.
Artist Jill Price at CLAUSTRO just prior to opening the exhibit.
Opening Reception for Jill Price at CLAUSTRO.
Opening Reception for Mixed Media Artist, Jill Price at CLAUSTRO.
Kelly Davies at CLAUSTRO!
Kelly Davies at CLAUSTRO June 16th.
Intermission during Kelly Davies performance at CLAUSTRO.
Musician Kelly Davies at CLAUSTRO.
A standing ovation for Kelly Davies at CLAUSTRO!
Mingling with Artist Jill Price and Musician Kelly Davies at CLAUSTRO.
Stu Leggett introduces Jill Price for her Artist Discussion at CLAUSTRO.
Artist Jill Price explains her body of work exhibiting at CLAUSTRO to the audience.
Jill Price leads a hands-on demonstration to 6 participants and several viewers.
Jill Price's demonstration was alot of fun and very inspirational for all attendees!
Stu Leggett sporting a handsome umbrella after Jill Price's exhibition.
Singing in the Rain to close Jill Price Exhibition.
— Carol Currie
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