Art Exhibition with Chris Mack and Live Music with David Chun, and Evening Concert with jazz trio! · Jun 25, 01:55 pm
What a LINE UP this weekend!
First, we held a wonderfully attended Reception for Photographer, Chris Mack. Chris exhibited 26 of her works of very unique views of cityscapes including New York City and Toronto. What is so compelling about Chris’s work is its diversity. One of the bodies of work she brought entitled Urban Urban, are unique photogram compositions of the urban landscape. Each original was done with Black and White Film in the darkroom and display the full negative placed on a photogram. This process takes very careful double exposures, blocking the negative while exposing the photogram. Intriguing to say the least!
Saturday afternoon, backdropped by Chris’s photography, we hosted a free musical event with Barrie Guitarist, David Chun … and all I can say is WOW! He not only wowed me, but the entire audience. We are thrilled to announce that we will have him back and this is a not to be missed concert! David trained in classical guitar since he was a young boy. Over 20 years ago, he started to play Brazilian and Mexican guitar, which is what he mostly played today … all very familiar music, but with a Chun twist! His movement and passion while he plays captivated the audience … surprising us with a very spontaneous approach to the music he played … strong and volumous strikes contrasting with gentle and very intricate picking. Beautiful!
Saturday evening, we held a Jazz Trio Concert … all recent graduates of the York University Jazz Program. Kyle MacDonald (from Midland), on jazz guitar, Sarah Budden, vocals, and Ben Young on Upright Bass. Performing to a sold out audience, these up and coming young musicians stunned the audience with their brilliance! Each of them sharing their passion to a captive crowd. Amazing! I have a feeling we will be seeing them again here!
To close the Exhibition weekend, Featured Photographer, Chris Mack, held a discussion about her career as a photographer, and CLAUSTRO was transformed into a darkroom to share with participants how to expose photograms in a darkroom setting. Very cool and way too much fun! Thanks so much Chris!
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
David Chun, live at CLAUSTRO June 23, 2012
The sweet and intricate sounds of David Chun. Amazing!
David Chun autographing his CD's for the audience (left, photographer, Chris Mack).
Stu Leggett making introductions for the Jazz concert at CLAUSTRO.
Jazz Trio, Ben, Sarah, and Kyle at CLAUSTRO.
Jazz band talking to the audience about their music.
Amazing performance by Jazz Trio at CLAUSTRO.
A very cool jazz mood at CLAUSTRO.
Ben Young, walking his upright bass back to Kyle MacDonald's house at the end of the Concert.
Photographer Chris Mack, explaining her career for Sunday's Darkroom Demonstration.
Photographer, Chris Mack, during her demonstration at CLAUSTRO.
Participants get to try their hands at a darkroom set up at CLAUSTRO held by Chris Mack.
Some of the works created by the participants in the darkroom Sunday at CLAUSTRO.
— Carol Currie
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