GROUP ART EXHIBIT with music performances with SCOTT COOPER & JACOB MACMILLAN · May 20, 11:34 pm
Claustro installed over 40 paintings in their upper and lower gallery over the weekend that comprised of 18 amazing artists! What a diverse range of works from sculpture, to photography, to mixed media, manipulated paper to paintings! The works ranged from abstract to contemporary to traditional. We thank all the artists and guests for participating in what would be one of the BEST weather for a May Long Weekends we have experienced in YEARS! WOW! Hot hot hot!
On Saturday afternoon, backdropped by this beautiful display of art, we held a music performance with a delightful and happy performance with Scott Cooper. Scott performed all brand new originals which he is currently working on for his next CD launch. Thanks Scott!
Sunday afternoon, we were thrilled to have Jacob MacMillan, a young local man, perform his original music, which he too is planning to launch in his next CD. His music was remeniscent of John Mayer … very innovative and talented guitar player … with some great lyrics including a great song about Georgian Bay. An up and coming young musician for sure! Thanks for the inspiration Jacob!
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Opening Reception for Group Showing of 18 artists at CLAUSTRO.
Group Show of over 40 paintings at CLAUSTRO.
Group Show at CLAUSTRO May Long Weekend.
Upper Gallery of Group Show at CLAUSTRO.
Sunny & Hot May Long Weekend with Scott Cooper's Performance at CLAUSTRO.
Scott Cooper's Live performance at CLAUSTRO.
Intermission during Scott Cooper's Performance at CLAUSTRO.
Jacob MacMillan's performance at CLAUSTRO May Long Weekend 2012.
Backdropped with over 40 paintings, Jacob MacMillan performed original music at CLAUSTRO.
Jacob MacMillan performing an original song entitled Georgian Bay ... fitting with the leaning pine painting behind him.
— Carol Currie
Art Exhibition by LISA and music performance by CAREY WORROD · May 13, 04:17 pm
Lisa’s smooth and powerful sculptures, backdropped by her intuitive waterscape paintings, changed the mood of Claustro Gallery in an instant.
On Saturday afternoon, backdropped by Lisa’s sculptures and paintings, we held a music performance with a powerful singer, Carey Worrod. Carey shared with the audience how he loops his music to create layers in his performance. He played some very familiar tunes from Pink Floyd to the blues, with a ‘Worrod twist’. An amazing guitar player and powerhouse singer, we have invited Carey back to perform an evening concert Saturday September 30th.
Sunday afternoon, Lisa provided a hands-on demonstration. Inspired by Lisa’s life as an artist, I decided to join the other 10 participants in creating my own art card, using fluid acrylics and no brushes. We were invited to use knives, cardboard, popsicle sticks or fingers to create colour. I chose to use my fingers, and it was so exhilerating! Everyone really enjoyed the process. Once we were completed our cards, Lisa demonstrated how to sand and carve a small stone to create a pendant. Again, it was very inspiring and a day to remember. Thank you Lisa!
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Sculptures and paintings by Lisa.
Sculptures and Paintings by Lisa at CLAUSTRO.
Sculptures and paintings by Lisa at CLAUSTRO may 11-13, 2012.
Amazing and powerful singer, Carey Worrod, at CLAUSTRO.
Carey Worrod performing LIVE at CLAUSTRO May 12, 2012.
Intermission for Carey Worrod at CLAUSTRO.
Carey Worrod performance at CLAUSTRO.
Artist Lisa discussing her life as an artist to the audience.
Artist Lisa describing the Arts Program she offers to the community.
Class participants get ready to start their little paint card instructed by artist, Lisa.
Artist Lisa demonstrating how to paint an art card without brushes.
Let the painting begin! Even I got to participate! Very inspired!
Painting up a storm - yes that's me participating at the end (in black). Loving every minute of it!
After painting our art cards for 10-15 minutes, Lisa instructed everyone how to sand/carve and polish their own pendants out of alabaster.
The finished art cards! Tremendously creative everyone!
The art cards, backdropped by one of Lisa's paintings.
Participants of all ages enjoyed Lisa's demonstration at CLAUSTRO.
What a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon ... creating art with Lisa.
Carving our own stones, fascilitated by Lisa.
— Carol Currie
Art Exhibition featuring Jamie MacLean and music performance by Heath Canyon · May 6, 08:36 pm
Jamie’s exhibition of beautiful landscapes and photographs was tremendous! Depicting vibrant forest walks, Georgian Bay landscapes, and moody fall fields showed the diversity in MacLean’s works!
On Saturday afternoon, backdropped by Jamie’s paintings, we held a music performance with innovative musician, Heath Canyon. Heath provided the audience with a moody, performance artist approach with his original instrumental music. Very unique and original indeed! He brought a bag full of instruments for the audience to participate in his second set – from tamborines, to a rice shaker, the audience was moved to create some sounds to accompany his performance. Thanks Heath! After his second set, he brought out his piano to allow Stu to play his guitar during a jam session! Alot of fun!
Sunday afternoon, Jamie provided a hands-on demonstration. He shared 10 of his 8 × 10 photographs to participants and assisted them in adding acrylic paints to the photo.
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Jamie MacLean's artwork - getting setup for music performance with Heath Canyon.
People arriving for Heath Canyon's music performance at CLAUSTRO.
Musician, Heath Canyon, introducing himself at CLAUSTRO.
Heath Canyon at CLAUSTRO.
Heath Canyon using his guitar in a unique way at CLAUSTRO.
Heath brought an assortment of instruments for the audience to play during part of his performance. Alot of fun!
Heath Canyon at CLAUSTRO.
Artist Jamie MacLean discussing his life as an artist and the relevance of art on Sunday!
Artist Jamie MacLean sharing some funny stories on Sunday.
After the short discussion, the demonstration begins. Everyone has chosen a photograph to paint on, and gather their paints to start.
Let the painting begin! 9 participants all start!
Making some great progress with the wise words from Jamie, Just do it!
Having fun at CLAUSTRO with Jamie MacLean's hands-on demo!
— Carol Currie
Art Exhibition featuring Sharon Nix and jazz music performance by Kyle MacDonald & Sarah Budden · Apr 30, 02:27 pm
Life at CLAUSTRO Studios & Gallery continues to build!
Sharon Nix’s exhibition of works were fantastic! A beautiful display of her stunning portraits, cows, and landscapes. Sharon’s ability to capture light and mood is outstanding!
On Saturday afternoon, backdropped by Sharon’s paintings, we held a free jazz performance with guitarist, Kyle MacDonald (from Midland, studied with teacher, Brent Robitaille, before graduating from the jazz music program at York University just this year). Kyle was accompanied by Newfoundlander, Jazz Singer, Sarah Budden, who also just graduated from the same program, where Kyle and her met. They also play in a Torotono band called “Another City” (bluegrass). Look for them playing in Toronto. It was a FULL HOUSE with over 40 people in attendance! An amazing performance! We look forward to them returning for an evening concert!
Sunday afternoon, Sharon provided a very inspirational discussion about her life’s journey as an artist and the relevance of art from her perspective. She then discussed how she uses colour and colour theory to create her paintings with the colour wheel. Sharon only uses the three primary colours (red, yellow and blue) to create her works and shared with 4 demonstration participants how to manipulate and mix these three colours to create the colours they want to bring about mood and emotion. The participants then practiced some colour mixing using the principles that Sharon discussed, then created their own painting while considering emotion using colour. In only one hour, the participants learned so much. Great teaching Sharon! Thanks to all who participated.
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Sharon Nix's exhibit prior to opening.
Sharon Nix's Exhibit prior to opening.
Sharon Nix Art Reception at CLAUSTRO April 27, 2012.
Sharon Nix Art Reception at CLAUSTRO.
Sharon Nix Art Reception at CLAUSTRO.
Upper Gallery during Sharon Nix Art Reception at CLAUSTRO.
CLAUSTRO setting up for music performance April 28, 2012.
Jazz musicians setting up prior to performance at CLAUSTRO.
A full house for live jazz performance at CLAUSTRO April 28, 2012.
Jazz performers, Kyle MacDonald & Sarah Budden debut at CLAUSTRO.
Sarah Budden and Kyle MacDonald performing to a captive audience at CLAUSTRO.
Unbelievable jazz performance with Sarah Budden and Kyle MacDonald.
These young performers, and recent graduates of York University, are passionate about their music!
Singer, Sarah Budden, at intermission at CLAUSTRO.
Backdropped with Sharon Nix's paintings, it was a tremendous performance!
In his groove, jazz guitarist and from Midland, Kyle MacDonald.
Sarah Budden and Kyle MacDonald, at CLAUSTRO.
From Newfoundland, Sarah Budden, had a powerful voice, likened to Melody Gardot.
Kyle's parents (left) enjoying their son's amazing performance debut at CLAUSTRO.
After their performance, Sarah and Kyle packing up ... no one wanted it to end!
Sharon Nix getting ready for her demonstration at CLAUSTRO April 29, 2012.
Artist Sharon Nix brought in the first painting she accomplished entitled Maude.
Stu Leggett introducing Sharon Nix for her demonstration.
Sharon Nix discussing her life as an artist.
Sharon Nix discussing the colour wheel and colour mixing with participants.
And now it's time for the participants to try their hand at colour mixing with only the three primary colours. Try to create black from red, yellow & blue.
The colour black now accomplished, let's try to create a painting of emotion using colour.
Participants starting their painting based on the elements Sharon discussed.
With paintings completed, Sharon discusses colour and mood with the participants. Looks great!
The paintings that were accomplished by the partipants in only 20 minutes. Sharon's a great teacher!
The colour wheel and participants for Sharon Nix's demonstration at CLAUSTRO.
— Carol Currie
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Art Exhibition by CLAUSTRO with Simcoe Contemporary Dancers and KITTY UNPLUGGED Gallery Concert. · Apr 23, 02:31 pm
Another well attended weekend at CLAUSTRO Studios & Gallery for the CLAUSTRO Exhibit, Simcoe Contemporary Dancers, and the Kitty Unplugged Evening Gallery Concert!
We had over 20 people attend the amazing Modern Dance Performance, and what a performance it was! Thank you to Sarah and the Dancers who inspired the audience with 8 dance performances. Outstanding!
Then, to a SOLD OUT Concert, Steve Charlebois and Angela Penfound-Wilson, of KITTY UNPLUGGED absolutely WOWED the crowd with their music! From Janis Joplin, to Katie Perry, Kitty’s voice shocked the audience!
They had everyone on their feet dancing! What a fun night!!!!!!!! Thank you Steve and Angela!
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Claustro Exhibit before opening reception.
Claustro Exhibit.
Sculpted Painting for CLAUSTRO Exhibit.
Upper Gallery at CLAUSTRO.
Crowd waiting for the Simcoe Contemporary Dancers' performance at CLAUSTRO.
CLAUSTRO Sculpted Paintings as backdrop for the Simcoe Contemporary Dance Performance April 21, 2012.
Simcoe Contemporary Dancers introductions just prior to their performance at CLAUSTRO.
Dance Performance by Simcoe Contemporary Dancers at CLAUSTRO April 21, 2012.
Modern Dance Performance by Simcoe Contemporary Dancers at CLAUSTRO.
Simcoe Contemporary Dancers performing at CLAUSTRO April 21, 2012.
Upper Gallery intermission for the Simcoe Contemporary Dancers at CLAUSTRO.
Dancer, Sarah Lochead, chatting to Gallery Attendant, Genna, during Intermission at CLAUSTRO.
Dancers getting ready for their second performance.
Simcoe Contemporary Dancers at CLAUSTRO April 21, 2012
Simcoe Contemporary Dancers taking questions from the audience after their Dance Performance.
Kitty Unplugged Gallery Concert crowd ... getting ready for the concert.
Kitty Unplugged at CLAUSTRO April 21, 2012. SOLD OUT CROWD!
AWESOME performance by Kitty Unplugged at CLAUSTRO April 21, 2012.
Kitty Unplugged - an amazing duo!!!!
Still Dancing and grooving during the intermission at CLAUSTRO with Kitty Unplugged.
Steve Charlebois and Angela Penfound-Wilson of Kitty Unplugged at CLAUSTRO.
By the third set, everyone was on their feet dancing with Kitty Unplugged.
Kitty moved into the crowd to sing her last song! What a performer!!!!!! AWESOME JOB!
Kitty with a final cheers to the night to close a phenomenal performance with a great crowd!
Sculpted Painting 071, Georgian Bay, before delivery to Calgary.
— Carol Currie