Collins Inlet, Georgian Bay, SCULPTED PAINTING of GEORGIAN BAY · Mar 23, 10:14 pm
The Spirit of Georgian Bay, 27” x 82.5” x 3.25” Acrylics on Sculpted Mahogany.
Seemingly marking the changes of water heights, this painting, inspired by a photograph taken by our client of Collins Inlet in 2006, shows skeletal features, facial masks and structures smoothened by the wind effect of the motion of water. We chose to remove the trees and sky, and engineer the mounting to allow the piece to spin so there was no ‘right direction’ for the piece to hang. This way the piece will change and new spirits will come alive in every direction.
Stu took 3 × 1.5” layers of mahogany, 1/4” solid aluminum plate with fastened bar to mahogany to create the wood structure. Then well over 8 months later, the piece finished out at 27” x 82.5” x 3.25”, 101 pounds, and the carving was complete.
And who knows how many hours, but over 4 months later, Carol completed the painting with up to seven translucent coatings of fluid acrylics.
Visit The full carving process of The Spirit of Georgian Bay at our link
The history of how this piece came to be from the moment of conception in 2006, to the last brush stroke in 2014 is a beautiful story of love, passion, creativity which marks a period in the lives of three creative people.
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Reference photo taken by R. Weber, Collins Inlet, Georgian Bay.
The Spirit of Georgian Bay
Horizontal Rockscape viewThe Spirit of Georgian Bay
Acrylics on Sculpted Mahogany
March 2014The finale of The Spirit of Georgian Bay.
The Spirit of Georgian Bay: Primed, one coat of paint, final painting.
closeup showing the landscape within.
Some amazing smooth lines are coming together now!
Looking good!
Epoxy coating.
And after cleanup and epoxy coating.
The 'hills' are coming into focus.
After exposing the wood while carving, Stu seals the piece with epoxy.
Carving with third layer taken from upper floor. Still work in progress.
Carving without projection, and with the third layer added on.
The shaping is starting to form slowly.
Mahogany from other end.
— Carol Currie
Georgian Bay Land Trust, The Lizards, paintings · May 30, 11:12 pm
Last summer I went to The Lizards, an Island that is protected as a part of the Georgian Bay Land Trust. This link informs about the group, and also features my paintings Georgian Bay Land Trust
Here is a link to my blog about the boat trip to the Island with good friends, Lizard Blog
There will more paintings to follow.
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
— Carol Currie
Beausoleil Island Painting · Dec 30, 04:29 pm
Since our return from the Georgian Bay National Park’s Artist in Residency Program in September, I have completed laying out over 35 sketches – carefully viewing each photo, cropping, contemplating, dissecting, and sizing, I have officially started my Beausoleil Island of Georgian Bay Series with this one depicting the south side of Honeymoon Bay.
There will be more red tones, abstracts, and typical Georgian Bay landscapes within this exciting series.
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
— Carol Currie
Indian Harbour Georgian Bay Inukshuk Painting · Sept 23, 08:57 pm
A very intriguing ‘armed’ inukshuk located in Indian Harbour of Georgian Bay, this piece was commissioned by an avid boater who admired this ‘marker’ so many times on his journeys to Indian Harbour, that he wanted to capture it in a painting for his home.
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
— Carol Currie
New Painting - Inspired by Willisville Mountain, La Cloche Mountains. · Aug 24, 11:32 pm
This painting was a private commission for a person, who like me, grew up with Willsiville Mountain in their backyard. Now living between Toronto and Whitefish Falls, he provided me with a photo of himself with his two nephews looking out at Frood Lake from the top of Willisville Mountain.
Since I don’t paint people in my landscapes, we chose to represent the people with 3 erratics.
And once the painting was done prior to the addition of the large central tree, the client decided to keep a clear view so we opted not to add the tree, as in the reference photo and sketch.
A lovely view indeed! One that I have climbed for over 35 years!
What an honour to paint such a great memory.
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
— Carol Currie