Western Islands Georgian Bay with B.P. Flight out of Huronia Airport · Mar 25, 10:58 pm
Okay … so Monday March 19, 2012 was indeed a very exciting day for Stu and I! Yes, Stu has ALOT more experience in small aircraft than I do, having had over a dozen flights in floatplanes, small aircraft, and helicopters … and as for me, I have had ZERO experience in aircrafts other then the big jets (which I love). But we both love to fly, so I was so excited to share my first small aircraft flight experience with him.
And the man that Stu is, he gave me the front seat in this 4 person Cessna 172 built in 1977 so I could really enjoy the experience. Our flight came from B.P. Flight Training, and our pilot, Devin, provided us with a tremendous experience! Devin came from Parry Sound to fly us out of Huronia Airport located just outside of our hometown, Midland Ontario.
I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to hear that I could fly with the window open so I could get some great open photos of our flight experience. That was an added bonus for me … to feel the wind! Although, I hadn’t come prepared, so didn’t have a hair tie … but Stu, the innovative guy that he is, fixed my hair with my lens cap holder. Classic.
Our destination was to circle the Western Islands of Georgian Bay (a remote group of Islands 20 km from any shore) … and a place where we were taken to by boat a couple summers ago, by a great group of amazing people who cottage at Thunder Beach. It was a very inspiring place for us at that time … and while there, we saw a white floatplane circle the Islands, and thought, wouldn’t that be amazing? So we booked a flight and took the opportunity to fly this March … too early however for floatplanes, so we took the Cessna 172 and just said, LET’S GO FOR IT!
Flying at a cruising speed of 95 knots (which is about 176 kph), we arrived at the Western Islands within 20 minutes … and were able to circle the Islands three times before heading back. Flying at 7000 ft ASL gave us a great perspective of just how remote these Islands are from mainland. More shocking was all the shoals that became very obvious from that height. Much respect to our captain that day we travelled by boat. Great job!
So yep, I am hooked on flying for sure – as I thought I would be – Stu of course, was in his element too – and we are both looking forward to getting out again in either a floatplane or chopper … oh so sweet that would be.
And a very exciting part of the flight home was that Devin let me take the yoke (steering wheel) and learn a little about flying … I found out quickly just how sensitive the plane is to very little movement of the yoke … very interesting.
We lucked out on a gorgeous, calm day – no clouds out, and only little on our return … no ice out on Georgian Bay … and 26 degrees celcius … yeah, mid-march, in northern ontario!
But moving that yoke on a calm day, gave me appreciation for how it would feel to fly in inclement weather.
Ah yes, in our glory!
The last photo shows a painting I have available of a study that was done of the Western Islands after our boating trip.
And if you would like to see more photos of our boating trip, view our Blog link
BOTH AMAZING DAYS! Thank you to our Thunder Beach friends, and Thank you Stu – I am one lucky girl!
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Arrival at the Huronia Airport in Midland Ontario!
Carol Currie, all ready to go ... just waiting for the plane to arrive from Parry Sound.
And here he comes now ... coming in for a landing to pick us up!
Da plane! Getting ready to climb on!
Pilot, Devin, confirms on a map the direction of our flight path ... that's me in the front seat on the left.
Stu takes a photo of Devin and I just before take off.
Stu Leggett ready for flight! Handsome Boy!
Our Pilot, Devin, giving us some final instructions (ie, how to do up your seat belt!)
And we are taking off!
After a quick and smooth take off, this was my first photo taken at 2700 feet of Collingwood.
And our first view of Beckwith, Hope and Christian Island.
The Beaches of Giant's Tomb! Looks like the caribbean!
Giant's Tomb with Beckwith, Hope and Christian Islands in the distance. Stunning!
A surreal view of Beckwith, Hope and Christian Island.
Our first glimpse of the Western Islands ... our destination approaching. Now flying at 7000 ft.
An even more surreal photo of the Western Islands. The variance in colours in the water makes it appear as it the Islands are floating in ice with shadows.
Western Islands, again appearing more like shadowing boulders on ice...but this is open water.
Aerial view of the obvious shoals that all boaters want to avoid. Crazy! And keep in mind, this is over 20km OFFSHORE!
Manoeuvering over The Western Islands. Check out the Orange Lichen!
The Western Islands. Two summers ago, we anchored at the bottom Island ...next photo will show a closeup of the Island.
Closeup of our anchorage on the bottom left side of the Island...see a land view next photo.
Boulders of the Western Islands
And now for the very exciting part - Devin let me fly the plane ... so here, he is giving me some brief instructions.
Yep - I am FLYING!
Really .. those are my hands flying the plane!
And Stu wasn't even nervous about Devin handing over the wheel ... he is still smiling happy!
Yes that's a lens cap in my hair ... I didn't come prepared with a hair tie ... so Stu improvised. I didn't realize I was going to be able to hang out the window to take photos! Yeah.
And there we are, flying alongside the clouds. Stunningly surreal.
This one was even more surreal as it floated right next to us.
But alas, we had to return. After over an hour's flight, there was Huronia Airport again. Sigh.
In for what would be a VERY SMOOTH landing. Great job Devin! What a gorgeous day!
After the amazing flight, Stu and I went to sit at Balm Beach to get a different view of Collingwood ... a calm and balmy 26 degrees on March 19, 2012!
Balm Beach. On a record breaking day in so many wonderful ways.
Just look at the reflections of those clouds in the water.
Panoramic View of Balm Beach after our flight March 19, 2012. What a day! We are so fortuneate to live here!
Western Islands
Acrylics on Panel
39 x 29 $2200
— Carol Currie
Comment [2]
Beach looking towards Collingwood - New Year's Day 2012! · Jan 5, 04:48 pm
We are prepping for a backcountry winter camping trek as soon as the ice forms on the lakes … so we thought we would do a short trek in Awenda Park and along the Beach at Concession 14 of Tiny Township … both a short drive from Midland to test some of our gear. Heavy packs in tote and a bottle of wine, what a great way to celebrate the first day of 2012! We live in beautiful country!
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Setup of our tent in the gallery, in preparation for our Winter Camping Trip!
Stu working on the GPS in preps for our backcountry trek.
Beach at Concession 14, Tiny Township, January 2012.
Looking out at Collingwood from Concession 14.
Ice Floats and Black Rock of Concession 14.
Rocks and Ice Floats looking towards Collingwood.
Open Water and sandy beach remains at Concession 14, January 2012
Stu enjoying the view and a glass of wine on New Year's Day at the beach of Concession 14.
Carol all bundled up ... it was a COLD one at the Beach New Year's day 2012.
Stepping Stones to Open Water? Ouch ... too cold!
— Carol Currie
BALM BEACH, GEORGIAN BAY!!! · Jun 7, 03:52 pm
Welcome to BEAUTIFUL Balm Beach!
What a beautiful place we live! Truly inspirational for us artists!
Without a doubt, a few of these photos will become amazing Sculpted Paintings.
What a tremendous day … the air was just cool enough to comfortably cuddle, but warm enough to feel summer coming soon …
After a productive week of painting and sculpting, Stu and I decided to take a short Sunday drive to walk the beach for some of that fresh calming air that all beach breezes provide.
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Stu at THE SURF, Balm Beach, June 2011 ... nice hat!
Balm Beach, facing south.
Stu strolling down the beach - you would think it was a cold May day with all the clothes he has on - but the wind was kind of brisk for June.
Ah the lazy days of nearing summer! Stu taking a break at Balm Beach. Lucky to live here! Happy to be alive!
Pretty little plant, Balm Beach
Balm Beach, Georgian Bay
Boulders of Balm Beach, facing South.
Love this shot - like stepping stones to the water ... such varying geology! Pink Granite to Black Quartz ...
Another amazing erratic of Balm Beach! Beautiful Pink Striation running through the black rock!
Erratics of Balm Beach 1
Erratic of Balm Beach 2
Erratic of Balm Beach 3 - again, a delicate white vein appearing to be inked in to the black rock.
Another shot of Stu - yep, nearly a half an hour later, and while I was walking and taking photos, he was still enjoying his siesta! A much needed break after a long run of creating this week.
Stu laying on the 'resting rock', Balm Beach, June 2011
Dapper Dan - i mean Stu - finally awoken from the 'Resting Rock' and ready to rock and stroll down Balm Beach. Looking Good!
THE resting rock, Balm Beach.
I know - it's such a typical photo - but I couldn't help myself as it was completely unintentional and I have never seen such perfect footprints! Yes, that's Stu.
Fences of Balm Beach (the nice kind)! Looks so much like what I envision PEI to be.
— Carol Currie
Hike in Awenda Park, Georgian Bay in Spring - March 2011 · Apr 5, 05:13 pm
Oh we are so lucky to live in Midland with Awenda Park so close to our doorstep!
If these photos don’t inspire us to create sculpted paintings, I can’t imagine what would. In all seasons, Georgian Bay is STUNNING! Each season brings such diversity!
And many of these beach photos remind me of what the Arctic might look like in the summer. So vast, so quiet!
What a great day!!!!
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Stu getting ready at the top of the Trailhead to the Beaches of Awenda.
Is that Jackie O? Na, just Carol overlooking the Bay from the top of Awenda Park Trail.
Ahh, into the forest we go! Looks like the shadow of that tree is following us.
Beach One at Awenda Park, March 2011
Amazing Beach contrasts at Awenda - Spring 2011
Black Erratic at Awenda Park
Erratic in the Ice at Awenda Park
If this doesn't become a sculpted painting, I don't know what will! GORGEOUS TONES!
It was FREEZING on shore - had to huddle! (aw shucks!)
Stu snowshoeing on the sand. Well he did need the snowshoes in the bush.
And there goes Stu walking on water again ... what a show off ... haha ... This photo actually makes me feel like we are in the Arctic on a summer day. We are so lucky to live here!
Looks still ... but it was brisk!
And there's winky. I was able to take off a few layers in the bush, after freezing on the beach.
— Carol Currie
Tripping West to Collingwood, Scenic Caves, Bruce Trailhead and Beaver Valley · Mar 28, 09:11 pm
Between all this carving and painting, Stu and I took off out of Midland and headed West – well not to BC … but we did end up at the top of the Hill at the Entrance to the Scenic Caves overlooking Collingwood – WHAT A HILL!!!! WHAT A VIEW!!!
But not before heading down to the 13th Concession of Tiny Beaches to take a short walk along the water. So pretty!
The photo of the ‘hands’ – yes those are mine – was taken by stu – I was so excited to see this amazing view – right at one of the trailheads to the Bruce Trail – that I said, this would make a really nice tall triptych to show the varying layers of colours from sky to water to trees to rock.
I liked Stu’s version of the view with the lone trees.
We can’t wait to get back there while we start our Bruce Trail hike from there – this view would be stunning in early spring with the bright greens.
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Carol walking along Beach near Balm Beach, March 2011
Tiny Beaches, March 2011 ... Believe it or not, this is looking like the last of the snow for this year!
Carol at one of the entrances to Bruce Trail overlooking Collingwood. What a VIEW!
Carol marking what might be a very interesting tall panelled triptych ... future idea for a painting!
The view of Collingwood ... more like the triptych I imagined.
View of Collingwood - part two of a potential triptych.
Lone twig trees overlooking Collingwood and Georgian Bay. Stu's vision!
Oh darn, I hope this isn't a sign of my future??? May be the same name, but no relation. Yes, much happier being in the business of creating art!
— Carol Currie