Road trip to North Channel before the One of a Kind Show! · Nov 20, 06:50 pm
Stu and I took a little road trip to install our latest sculpted painting entitled, Frazer Bay, back to my home country of the North Channel, Lake Huron, near Manitoulin Island.
A much needed little side attraction while working round the clock to prepare new works for the upcoming 11 day One of a Kind Show in Toronto held at the Exhibition Place!
Photos of “The Ridge” is an amazing place that my father and I used to walk to behind our house on the North Channel … in fact, he enjoyed the ridge so many times, he blazed a beautiful bush trail that went over beaver dams and through a Beech Tree forest from behind our house right up to the ridge.
A memory with my father that I will always treasure.
It was nice to be back and take in the view again. I see some paintings in those photos.
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Shadowed Ridge
Acrylics on Panel
22 x 32 $1800 SOLDRock View
Acrylics on Panel
8 x 12 $250 SOLDReverse Erratic
Acrylics on Panel
13 x 16 $350 SOLDLife versus struggle ... atop the ridge.
The view from the Ridge where I was fortuneate enough to spend my youth.
Curly driftwood amongst red rock, North Channel.
Tree on the edge, North Channel.
Installation of Frazer Bay, Sculpted Painting, 2011
— Carol Currie
McMichael Art Gallery Exhibit - Claustro with Ed Bartram · Oct 24, 07:15 pm
What fun this weekend at the McMichael Art Gallery Art Exhibit!
We met with our artist croonies, and had a great sale of works!
Thank you to all for coming … it was crazy busy all weekend and the show was a tremendous success.
Thanks for dropping in to visit us Ed!
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Setting up at the McMichael Exhibit, October 2011
Artists setting up at the McMichael Exhibit, October 2011
Artists setting up at the McMichael Exhibit, October 2011
Claustro Booth at the Gala Event, McMichael Gallery Exhibit, October 2011
Sold works, McMichael Gallery, October 2011
Carol Currie and artist, Ed Bartram at the McMichael Gallery Exhibit, October 2011
— Carol Currie
Acrylic Art Class at Claustro with Carol Currie · Oct 17, 05:26 pm
Thank you to all of you who came to the Acrylic Art Class this Sunday!
It was the first class held in the gallery this Fall and what a tremendous group of students! Each person’s interpretation of the “Erratic study” was very impressive!
Great job everyone! It was a lot of fun.
My next class will be held Sunday November 6th. Class is full. But I am looking at booking another class Sunday December 11th.
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Display of the Art Class setup just prior to student's arrival.
Acrylic Art Class held at Claustro Gallery, October 2011.
Art Class hard at work, October 2011
Stu being silly during the Art Class. It was a lot of fun!
Art Teacher Carol Currie with student, admiring the final work.
A display of two of the final works accomplished by students. The painting hanging on the wall behind them was the inspiration for the class.
— Carol Currie
Western Islands, Georgian Bay PAINTING OF THE MONTH · Oct 6, 10:51 pm
…. and this is how it finished!
Also known as “Cory’s Cove”, inspired by an amazing young boy named Cory, who visited the gallery last week. Cory saw the work in progress and liked it just the way it was (a boy after my heart who enjoyed the ‘rawness’ of the strokes and pencil marks). You know who you are Cory, and hope you like the final piece.
Also inspired by an amazing ‘field trip’ last summer to the Western Islands … a group of Islands seemingly in the middle of nowhere, unprotected and raw!
This view is looking back towards ‘mainland’ – gone from sight is Giant’s Tomb near Awenda Park.
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
— Carol Currie
Sculpted Painting - Frazer Bay, Georgian Bay · Sept 27, 06:44 pm
Another completed sculpted painting!!
One of our first large 44” x 60” Sculpted Paintings of Georgian Bay. With the sculpting of the water, and addition of depth with paint, the water appears as if it is actually moving.
A very impressive piece that is now being displayed in our Gallery. Contact us for viewing or come to our scheduled open studio Thanksgiving Weekend!
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Frazer Bay
Sculpted Painting 069
44 x 60 Private Commission 2011Frazer Bay
Sculpted Painting
44 x 60 Private Commission, 2011
angle viewFrazer Bay, closeup of rocks
Sculpted Painting 069
44 x 60 Private commission 2011
Frazer Bay, closeup of water
Sculpted Painting 069
44 x 60 Private Commission 2011Frazer Bay
Sculpted Painting 069
44 x 60 Angle View Low LightFrazer Bay
Sculpted Painting 069
44 x 60 Private Commission, 2011
— Carol Currie