Piece #066 - SCULPTED PAINTING - Inspired by Killarney's tall cliffs
This beautifully tall piece finishing at 26” x 107” is a work still in progress as of May 2011. We welcome visitors to see this work while it remains in our studios as a work in progress until mid-June 2011.
Just call ahead to make a viewing appointment.
It is a commissioned piece for a 22’ tall open concept stairwell in Toronto Ontario.
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
Reference Photo for Sculpted Piece #066. View from the Crack in Killarney.
Sketch of Tall Sculpted piece
Truck loaded with raw lumber to be milled at our local Timbrmart
That's one huge HEAVY pile of lumber! Unloaded from the Truck to Timbrmart
It was a tremendous help to us to have all the lumber milled with great precision from the expertise team at Timbrmart! Thank you guys!
Lumber being cut from large planks to 2 inch pieces.
From large boards, now to manageable 2 x 2 pieces, the wood is milled further to provide a join edge for laminating.
See what I mean? This expert team checked each piece to ensure quality cuts.
Masses of mahogany - all milled and ready to be magically turned into sculpted paintings! That's enough wood there for the next two years of works ... GET IN LINE ... celebrate!
Stu brushing the epoxy resin on to the mahogany strips.
The piece is clamped and the curing process has begun. The piece will stay in the clamps for several days.
Once the panel is wetted out with epoxy, Stu fits in the braces.
Toothpicks are used to carefully set each brace properly within the channel just prior to the epoxy kicking.
After laying out the large sketch to scale on the wood, the Carving process begins, 26" x 104"
Stu carving Sculpted Painting
Stu carving tallest Sculpted work, 26" x 104", Private Commission
26 x 104 Tall sculpted commission, carving in progress
Closeup of Stu carving the tree, tall 104 inch Private Commission
Stu detail carving tree, May 2011
Low lighting allows stu to get a feel for the relief while he carves.
Carving just before coating process, May 2011.
Photo taken from the top of the piece.
Another cool photo taken from the top of the painting, showing off the depths of the boulder and the what will be the background mountains.
Closeup of the tree carved May 2011.
PIece #066 epoxy coated for moisture protection, May 27, 2011
Photo of #066 Sculpted Piece epoxy coated - photo taken from top of piece.
Closeup of Tree showing the final epoxy coating - I just love the beautiful grain of the mahogoany!
Tall Sculpted Painting, READY to paint! July 2011
Tall Sculpted Painting, primed in Gallery, ready for paint, July 2011
Carol painting the sky of the Tall Sculpted Painting. Gallery, Midland, July 2011
Tall 26 x 107 Sculpted Painting, Work in Progress, July 2011
Closeup of the top of the Tall Sculpted Painting, Work in Progress, July 2011
Tall Sculpted Piece Work in Progress, Gallery, July 2011
To show its height, check out Stu holding this 80 pound sculpted painting, while I take photos.
Tree Carving Closeup Before painting
Closeup of Carved Tree Painted of sculpted painting entitled, Balancing Boulder, July 2011.
Closeup of the boulder at the top of Sculpted Painting entitled 'Balancing Boulder', July 2011
Hallway taken from Entranceway, BEFORE installation of the sculpted painting.
Hallway taken from entrance AFTER sculpted painting was installed.
Balancing Boulder
Sculpted Painting
26 x 107
Private commission, July 2011Artists, Stu and Carol, in front of the installed Sculpted Painting entitled "Balancing Boulder", 2011
Balancing Boulder
Sculpted Painting
Installation July 2011