Piece #067 - SCULPTED PAINTING - Inspired by Killarney's Rolling Rockfaces
Another commissioned piece, our client was looking for a painting to provide a soft rolling feeling in the rockface. It will depict a more abstracted and contrasting approach to the landscape.
Friday evening August 19, 2011, we had an ‘unveiling party’ in our Gallery to celebrate its completion. Thank you all for coming!
We will let everyone know when our next impromptu unveiling is, expected sometime in mid-September 2011 (for piece #069 entitled Frazer Bay).
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
Sketch for Rolling Hills, Sculpted Commisson Piece #067, 2011
Laminated Wood for Sculpted Piece #067
Sketch with laminated wood for Sculpted Piece #067
Drawing of Sculpted Piece #067, just prior to carving.
Early Stages of carving the left side of Piece #067 as in the Sculpting Studio
Early Carving of Sculpted Piece #067, 2011
Rough Carving of Sculpted Piece #067, 2011
Closeup of Carving ... resembling an abstracted totem pole ... cool.
Sculpted Piece #067
Epoxy coating stageSculpted Piece #067
Carving Complete, Epoxy coated, getting ready for primingCloseup of Epoxy Coated Sculpted Piece #067
Sculpted Painting, Primed and ready for Paint, August 2011, Sculpted Piece 067
Sculpted Painting, First coats of paint, August 2011, Sculpted Piece 067
Sculpted Painting, Primed, August 2011
Sculpted Painting, First coats of paint, August 2011
Sculpted Painting 067, getting closer to completion
Closeup of Sculpted Painting 067, work in progress
Freshly painted Sculpted Piece 067 in Carol's Studio
Closeup of the tree for Sculpted Piece 067
Rolling Rock, Sculpted Painting 067, highlights in photo shows the raised points in the carving
Rolling Rock, Sculpted Painting 067, Angle photo, August 2011, Private Commission
Rolling Rock Sculpted Painting 067, closeup of rock
Rolling Rock Sculpted Painting 067, closeup of tree
Upward viewing of Rolling Rock, Sculpted Painting 067 in Claustro Gallery August 2011
Rolling Rock
Sculpted Painting
28 x 42 Private Commission 2011Claustro Art Gallery, August 2011, (L to R) "Hills" - Currie, "Rolling Rock" - Claustro, "Rolling Rock" - Currie
'Rolling Rock' Sculpted Painting, 28 x 42, in Claustro Art Gallery, Private Commission
upward photo of Sculpted Painting titled Rolling Rock, 067
low lighting of Rolling Rock Sculpted Painting 067 - note all highlights are the raised points of the carving
Rolling Rock
Sculpted Painting
28 x 42 Private Comission, 2011