Sculpted Piece #073 - SCULPTED PAINTING - Inspired by The Crack of Killarney Provincial Park
This sculpted painting was inspired by hiking in Killarney Provincial Park just south of an area commonly known as “The Crack” … this is the highest point on the trail just before climbing The Crack. From this point, if you look north, you see The Crack … the hiker’s goal … which at the top, is at least another 100 feet of climbing ahead. And if you turn to take in the view to the South, you soak in the long view back to Georgian Bay.
This little tree, only a 3 foot tall Pine, stands bravely in the winds. Having hiked this trail for 17 years, I have to take note that it has only grown inches since then … an ancient tree it is.
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
Reference Photo for Sculpted Painting 073, Killarney
Sketch for sculpted Painting 073, 17 x 28, Killarney
Primed and ready for paint in Carol's studio.
Killarney Crack
Acrylics on Sculpted Wood
17 x 28Stu carving.
Stu carving with full gear .. dust mask, gloves, and headphones. Tonight, it's jazz.
Carving in progress with projected image.
Carving in progress.
Carving getting closer to completion with mood lighting.
Beautiful. Almost done!
Stu working on final details.
Carving almost done and ready for epoxy coating.
CLAUSTRO Sculpting Painting ready for priming (#073 - 1" x 17" x 28")
Dramatic carving prior to epoxy coating. Beautiful faces in the carving of the rock.
This shows the profile of the piece and the undulation of the carving.
Final epoxy coat with black dye to show highs and lows.
carving with final epoxy coating.
Carol fine sanding after grey primer was applied.
Is that Stu or Carol? Oh yeah, it's me Carol using little wee 1 x 2 inch sandpaper to sand out the wee crevices in Stu's carving.
Stu's carving, Carol's sanding ... now all we need is our cat to do his part (other than lick his blank), and it would be a family affair!
Hand sanding done, now for the bigger tools.
Nice photo of the profile of the piece. Sanding tools in place.
Closeup of tree and roots. Hard work to sand in those teeny tiny undulations.
Final coat of primer with a blue light.
Final Coat of Primer. Sketch to the right.
Profile of the sculpture.
Another photo of the profile of the piece.
Primed - working on two pieces at the same time.
Skies are done, and now Carol blocking in the first layer of colours.
Starting to fiddle with the tree, and put on a second coat on the rock.
Work in Progress
Moody Skies
Acrylics on Sculpted Casting
15 x 25 $1450Red Pine
Acrylics on Studio Cast
15 x 25 $1800