Carving Process for Sculpted Paintings
These photos show just a few snipits of how planks of wood develops from raw lumber to a sculpted painting.
The wood requires milling by our local lumber yard team at TimbrMart to enable Stu to work with manageable 2 inch pieces from large 10 inch planks of wood.
Click thumbnail to enlarge each image
Truck loaded with raw lumber to be milled at our local Timbrmart
That's one huge HEAVY pile of lumber! Unloaded from the Truck to Timbrmart
It was a tremendous help to us to have all the lumber milled with great precision from the expertise team at Timbrmart! Thank you guys!
Lumber being cut from large planks to 2 inch pieces.
From large boards, now to manageable 2 x 2 pieces, the wood is milled further to provide a join edge for laminating.
See what I mean? This expert team checked each piece to ensure quality cuts.
Masses of mahogany - all milled and ready to be magically turned into sculpted paintings! That's enough wood there for the next two years of works ... GET IN LINE ... celebrate!
Stu Leggett starting CLAUSTRO Sculpted Painting #066 - 1" x 26" x 107".
Stu brushing the epoxy resin on to the mahogany strips.
Stu still brushing the last bit of epoxy resin on to the strips and nearly ready to lay each piece in the clamps.
Ready to tighten the clamps.
The piece is clamped and the curing process has begun. The piece will stay in the clamps for several days.
View of clamping from the end - awesome joints!
Scaled Sketch for Still Ridge - to be a sculpted painting.
Raw wood after lamination for Still Ridge, Sculpted Painting
Wood with scaled template for Still Ridge, Sculpted Painting in progress
After completing the carving, Stu spends hours and hours of fine sanding the work using several tools and techniques. Here, Stu is using one of his larger sanders.
The sky on this piece however requires patience and skill in fine sanding with a much smaller tool. It's crazy hard!
Closeup of how Stu uses this smaller sanding tool carefully in each crevice.
Mid-carving of Still Ridge, Sculpted Painting in Progress
Carving Closeup of Still Ridge, Sculpted Painting in Progress
Stu brushing on epoxy left to right to seal the surface of the wood.
Still Ridge, Scultped Painting primed and ready for painting, work in progress
Early painting stages of Still Ridge, Sculpted Painting
Still Ridge
Sculpted Painting
38 x 42 Private Commission
Feb 2011